Noon Investment Management
Investment Process
Our Focus Is On You
Our investment process is not unique, but it is highly personal. We work with you and for you. As a fiduciary, we are legally bound to only represent your best interests. We start by creating a unique investment policy statement, an agreed reflection of your investment objective, risk tolerance, time horizon, tax, and all other individual considerations. Within this policy, we include long-term strategic asset allocation targets, as well as tactical allocation parameters specific to you. We then construct a diversified portfolio to meet your financial goals, continuously monitoring each investment and rebalancing as appropriate.
We rely on a fundamental based process to select investments that are appropriate for you as we seek to provide attractive returns on a risk-adjusted basis. We recognize that “timing the market” is not possible. We believe in the value of diversification. We embrace the use of both passive and active investment strategies. We seek value in our investments but are not limited to “value style box” types of investments.
Investing in any asset class is valuation and risk sensitive. We focus on the ability of each asset class to earn its place within each portfolio to aid in the achievement of your objectives. We consistently monitor economic and valuation indicators to determine if adjustments to tactical and potentially strategic allocations are appropriate.
Noon Investment Management

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